Are you interested in a course in pricing? If so, we suggest one of
If you are a business professional, we suggest any of the following two courses; ”Strategisk prissättning och innovativa prismodeller” at Företagsekonomiska Institutet in Stockhom. Or ”Strategisk prissättning, innovativa prismodeller och digitalisering” på Chalmers Professional Education i Göteborg
Pricing, and the selection of appropriate and innovative price models, is an important and strategic issue. Their design will directly affect the business’ revenues. In our book and in the courses, we present a framework that can assist companies in developing innovative price models and strategies to improve the business model. In addition to the theoretical framework, we also present a number of practical examples of companies that have designed and implemented innovative price models. Both Swedish and international cases are described.
If you are a phd student who is looking for a course on business ecologies, business models and price models, we suggest you apply to our phd course at Linköping University.
Finally, if you are interested in a tailored program about